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Holy Crap I Suck!


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This was the theme of my surfing last night at King's Beach!! What a freaking blast though . . . Let's see, what my feats of strength were last night:


-got windowshaded

-almost ran into Peter

-almost ran into Kevin

-got knocked over no less than 10 times

-used no less than 15 strokes to avoid running into kevin while looking like a MORON

But I do have to say I rolled up every time in the boat (twice once when i rolled up and found a face full of wave and got knocked right back down) :) I don't think I've ever seen Billy laugh that hard at me.

By the end of the evening I was doing much better though - Kevin and Bill gave me some key advice in not working so hard - just a couple strong strokes to catch the wave and not going straight to a rudder. The great rides I did have, I also noticed I was sitting straight as an arrow which I think distributed my weight evenly so the boat when straight down the wave and the I was able to make minor corrections with just small hip movements.

It was a great night - Peter got some great rides in the new Cetus, and Bill, it was so good to see you out on the water. You and kevin rock out at surfing, thank you for the tips . . .

The tide was almost at the wall of Kings beach as we started to pack it in at around 8. The hordes of that seaweed in the water made a bit of a mess of our boats and luckily we didn't notice the "no swimming high levels of bacteria" sign until after we left :(

We called the DCR hotline tonight and the no swimming is still up for King's beach, but Long Beach on the causeway out to Nahant is still fine so that's where we'll be tonight hopefully!!!


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This was the theme of my surfing last night at King's Beach!! What a freaking blast though . . . Let's see, what my feats of strength were last night:


-got windowshaded

-almost ran into Peter

-almost ran into Kevin

-got knocked over no less than 10 times

-used no less than 15 strokes to avoid running into kevin while looking like a MORON

But I do have to say I rolled up every time in the boat (twice once when i rolled up and found a face full of wave and got knocked right back down) :) I don't think I've ever seen Billy laugh that hard at me.

By the end of the evening I was doing much better though - Kevin and Bill gave me some key advice in not working so hard - just a couple strong strokes to catch the wave and not going straight to a rudder. The great rides I did have, I also noticed I was sitting straight as an arrow which I think distributed my weight evenly so the boat when straight down the wave and the I was able to make minor corrections with just small hip movements.

It was a great night - Peter got some great rides in the new Cetus, and Bill, it was so good to see you out on the water. You and kevin rock out at surfing, thank you for the tips . . .

The tide was almost at the wall of Kings beach as we started to pack it in at around 8. The hordes of that seaweed in the water made a bit of a mess of our boats and luckily we didn't notice the "no swimming high levels of bacteria" sign until after we left :(

We called the DCR hotline tonight and the no swimming is still up for King's beach, but Long Beach on the causeway out to Nahant is still fine so that's where we'll be tonight hopefully!!!


The best part, as Bill pointed out, was the wall. It was just starting to pop when we had to leave, but I will be back there as soon as I can. :surfing::woohoo:

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you know i forgot - all this was in 2 footers last night - ha!!! i'm glad i can at least laugh at myself :) it's funny how in my mind i'm a much better surfer than in actuality . . .

also my helmet is lame - anyone want to buy my a cool shred ready? men's large (my head is too big for the women's) B)

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