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Hey Adam...

This is a beautifully written piece and nice bit of introspection as well... I think your last paragraph says it all about those adventuresome ones of us who have trusted our lives to the vagaries of luck and have been blessed with a good outcome tested, perhaps, once too many times:

"It is as if I have purloined them from a pool of good fortune someone has generously built, but whose trust I should take far greater pains to notice."

Nice article about a sad event and, yes, as a mother of 20-something year old daughters I had the same thought about how alone and afraid these young women must have been and how they must have dismayed over their decisions that day. It's always doubly sad when what should have been a fun time turns tragic like this. Such is life.


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I have drawn from that "pool of good fortune" also. My desire to refill the pool is a major motivating factor for my work, through NPSN, to increase the margin of safety in this sport.

The intensity of feeling "alone" in such circumstances is hard to convey. Adam did a great job with mere words.

Liz N.

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Very nice, Adam. Thanks for posting it. I've thought about the same things, a lot, since last fall. My in-laws have a house just off the beach they launched from, and I paddle that area every summer. The horror of it--they set off for a 10 minute excursion and could have been saved by any one piece of safety equipment--VHF, drysuits, compass--comes back to me often.


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