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Thanks for "Greenland Day"

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Likewise. Specifically thanks to...

* Keith for running the show and explaining and demonstrating GP in general; and for a zillion twigs generously loaned.

* Adam for demonstrating GP forward strokes.

* Sanjay for a terrific rolling show (despite an injured back) and instruction (I'll get that reverse roll soon, just as soon as I figure out which way is forward and which backward!)

* Rick C, Linda, Brian for in-water spotting and teaching (did I miss anybody?)

Very enjoyable and educational all around... lets do it more!

Thanks! --David.

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While I certainly tried to help and did bring about 7 paddles, I didn't organize the event (Michael Crouse) or even organize the sequence during the session (Adam Bolinski), or even bring all the paddles (Singh, Linda). In fact, I didn't even know I was going to be there until that afternoon.

So a sustained round of applause for the folks who were really behind the event -- Michael, Singh, Adam, Linda and for the all of spotters.

It was fun, wasn't it?


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A big hand to should go out to Liz, it was her idea, to Karen for being the registrar and of course to all who spotted, taught, and signed up.

So I assume this means we want more "theme oriented" sessions? basic rescues? advanced rescues? self rescues? 1001 uses for a paddlefloat?

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"So I assume this means we want more "theme oriented" sessions? basic rescues? advanced rescues? self rescues? 1001 uses for a paddlefloat? "

Why not?

Just do it!

I guess we all took a bite out of the "apple".......and liked it!


Living to learn.

Romany White, Blue trim

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