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Possible NSPN-Sponsored SOLO WFA/CPR class


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Edit: Added email and note at end of this message.

Mike Crouse has asked me to check out the level of interest and costs involved in sponsoring a SOLO Wilderness First Aid/CPR class. The class would be all day Saturday, Saturday evening and all day Sunday. The WFA and CPR certifications are good for 2 years.

In 2002 we ran 2 sessions, with a total of 40 people. A few of those people were from outside the club but most were members and trip leaders/candidates.

If you want more information please go to the SOLO website: http://www.soloschools.com/home.html Click on course information and the course schedule. Quite a few different organization hire SOLO to run this training and price it differently. Note whether food/lodging are included.

The break-even cost for NSPN to run the course is likely to be $165-185 per person. This will include food and beverages for breaks, and lunch both days. We normally have pizza delivered and people chip in, but it might be simpler to just add this to the fee. If we use the Lanesville Community center in Gloucester again, people will be able to camp overnight at no additional cost.

The Board is also looking into first aid training that is more directly related to on-water issues. Jim Brayden has done a lot of research into this.

Please understand that if we do the SOLO training again, they have to teach their set curriculum in order to certify that you completed it. The benefit, IMHO, of doing such training with other kayakers is that at least the questions people ask are relevant to our trips, as opposed to mountaineering, we can practice with gear we have while paddling, and we take the training with people we paddle with.

If you are interested in taking an NSPN-sponsored SOLO WFA/CPR training this spring, assuming it can be arranged, please send me an email. I'll report back to the Board on the response.

My email: eneumeier@earthlink.net

Note: If you know of any outfitters that want their staff to have this certification, please feel free to suggest that they email me also. This could be a way for NSPN to help out the outfitters in the area. :-))

Liz N.

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Below is an announcement for a Wildnerness First Responder course that I received on the NOLS list server in case anyone has the time and interest.



<<-Do you enjoy spending time in the outdoors?

-Do you want to learn skills that can build your confidence responding to

medical situations in the backcountry?

-Are you interested in leading trips or working in the backcountry but are

worried you are not yet qualified?

A yes to any of these questions should lead you to consider becoming a

certified Wilderness First Responder at Harvard this spring! It's

a great opportunity to meet cool people (like you) who want to learn

medical skills to use on their next trip or adventure. Read on....

Wilderness First Responder course

Taught by SOLO instructors

Offered March 27 -- April 4

At Harvard University

$500 (what a deal!)

Room and board not included

For more info, go to www.harvardfop.com

or email fop@fas.harvard.edu>>

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