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The infamous Muskeget Channel


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On Sunday, I met with two fishermen who regularly ply the waters in and around Nantucket Sound. One guy introduced me to the other as "this is the crazy guy I was telling you about who wants to kayak in the Muskeget Channel".

They proceeded to regale me with tales of sorrow and woe associated with the channel.

"I had a friend who was fishing off of Nantucket, when a 20 knot wind picked up from the southwest. He was going through the channel and saw 10-15 foot waves all over the place. It was real hairy."

and on and on with about 5 or 6 of these stories. I came away with a sense that it's a tad funky when the wind is up and the current's running. Just a thought.

He also confirmed that there's a significant flow of water just west of Muskeget Island, and that there is a small channel there.

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