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the joy of those first few surfs....

rick stoehrer

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several of us went to see what we could play in off of plum island this past saturday. short answer is "not a lot" almost no wind, fog and very little "popcorn" off the shallow tip on the incoming tide. we stayed and played in what we could there, got a bit bored and then headed to the outside to see what we could play in.

and here we had better luck...the swells were gently breaking on the sandy shore at about 3 feet or so...what better place to practice a little surfage?

and so we did...walter had little experience surfing and so this forgiving break and sandy beach were a great situation/location to take those first exciting steps.

...the first challenge of course is catching them! timing and then that burst of speed required to get onto and then drop into the pocket....that's a huge step....the idea that the forward stroke you've worked so hard on all this time - to throw it out the window and just concentrate on FAST...not a stroke you'd use for more than a very short, brief time but to just paddle, cycle those blades and GO....and after a bit he got it and was catching the swells...which leads to the next challenge....

trying to control the boat as you catch that wave...lean forward to go faster and drop into the pocket...to lean back to slow down and to use the stern rudder a bit and then strokes (braces) up towards the front....and then when the boat starts to broach to bring those strokes around into a brace amidships and bongo on in....and then at the end to bring the brace around to the bow and let the power of the dying wave push the stern around toward shore on that pivoting brace and then, with your bow now pointed to sea....to paddle out and do it all again....


walter took those first steps this weekend! and as folks who do would would certainly attest....once you get the rush of surfing a boat....yup, that's addictive.

congrats walter....and you even fit into an explorer!

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The thrill of catching the waves

and getting a free ride leaves you breathless.

Thanks Rick for your help.

It was a great day surfing.

I am looking forward to doing a lot more


I have done some surfing in the past but have

never caught as many rides as I did Saturday.

Nor have I been so sore from the work out.

It was worth it though.

Thanks again Rick S, Rick C, Werner and Bill.


Impex Serenity


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