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Merrimack River -- Haverhill to Newburyport


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About two hours before high tide 6 of us met up at Cashman Park, Newburyport (the takeout). Left a car for the shuttle back and headed down to Riverside Park, Haverhill (the put-in).

After trudging, sliding, slipping, and making our way down to the river bank, we finally launched our boats about 1/2 hour before high tide. The tidal in-flow in Haverhill at that time was not noticeable at all. The river was more like a sheet of glass - couldn't get more flat. We made our way eastward only to hear Suzanne yelling -- "Look a bird"

Credible enough, it was not Walter's middle finger. It was actually a young bald eagle. After a quick bite to eat, we made our way down the Class .0005 rapids amongst the icebergs (more like 1' to 2' ice blocks) in the river. Actually, the current (flowing out now) was picking up which gave the false illusion that we were speed paddling.

Towards the end of our trip we got to see some older bald eagles perched high in trees along the river banks. Quite impressive looking birds.

We took out at Cashman Park, shuttled back for the cars and finished a leisurely, yet worth it paddling day. 13 miles, 3.5 hrs in total.

Mr Gwynn has graciously posted pictures & GPS track:


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Whilst in Vancouver we observed a bald eagle seemingly caught in the shallows. As we drew nearer the bird flew off. Turns out these "hunters" frequently grab hold of a fish too large to fly off with. They often resort to swimming the fish ashore and have been known to drown while doing so. It is indeed easier to see the bird as majestic when it soars overhead...

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