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New Castle Island Circumnavigation - 10/17/04

Mikael and Lynn

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Me neither on MAC Safari. I'll try my PC at work tomorrow.

Actually...I just remoted in to my PC at work, and the pics are fine on PC with IE.

I noticed the web page was created with MS Word. I guess this is Microsoft's way of "Keepin it in the Family".

PS. Good trip report and Pics...thanks.

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Hi, Lynn and Mikael. Nice pics. Looks like you

had a great time! Thanks for the trip report.

And just so you know, the link works fine for

me using Microsoft's IE.


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We are the ones to blame here... Not MS. The original HTML template we generated using MsWord. But the text, pictures, and some additional formatting were then added using a simple text editor. Quick and easy... Well, we should have validated the page before adding this link. But you know how it is. It worked in our IE... In this case it seems IE is more tolerant than other browsers on the errors we made. Our Mozilla also did not like our code. We have now seen what the problems are and we will correct it and try to update the page tonight. Sorry for the inconvenience for you non-IE users. This was a good lesson learned for us. We get so used with MS products these days that we forget about these things.

Mikael & Lynn

Necky Amaruk

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Sometimes the Verizon server acts up and web pages become "Locked". That is frustrating to say the least. We have heard other Verizon customers complain about this issue as well. As a result, we have just put up an identical copy of our online photo albums at Angelfire. It has some tiny adds at the top but it is free for us to use. If the one we pay for (Verizon thru our DSL) is not reliable, this should help us.

Here is the identical version of our Verizon photo albums:


Mikael & Lynn

Necky Amaruk

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Yes, the building in picture 4 is indeed the Marriott Wentworth-by-the sea hotel/spa on Newcastle Island. Thanks for asking! We are going to add a line about it in conjunction with that picture and add a link to their web site for those who want to learn more about it:


To bad it was so windy this past weekend. We wanted to go out for a trip but 14 feet waves did not sound too fun...

Mikael & Lynn

Necky Amaruk

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