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July 4th Maine Paddle


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I want to thank you for sharing your trip with us. The pictures were great. I would love to accompany you next year. Please put me on your mailing list. (wmears@adelphia.net)This looks like a spectacular area to paddle. Just a couple of questions. Is this the best time of year to paddle here(July)? That is to get good weather. How were the bugs? You seem to have a picture perfect weekend. Just one last question. About how many miles did you paddle each day?

Thanks again.

Walter, Essex, Ma.

Impex Serenity


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Linda and I also spent the long weekend wandering in Muscongus Bay,after a quick change of plans from Stonington. Spectacular weekend of fog and sunshine!

What a pleasant surprise it was,as we launched from Round Pond-here comes Bob,Geri,Liz and Mary paddling in!

Coastal Maine is a big place,but it seems that for sea kayakers,it's a small world!

And making the weekend even more spectacular(at least for one lobsterman)I found a wallet on the rocks on Crow Island Monday morning. With a little detective work from the folks at Broad Cove Marine,we were able to reunite a Friendship lobsterman with the wallet(and $263!)and take a big step forward with kayaker/lobsterman relations.

...And lots of free lobster for us on the next trip!!!

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Thanks for the kind words - we enjoy sharing our adventures via pics.

>This looks like a spectacular area to paddle.

Most of Maine is a great place to paddle. We also like the Casco Bay area. The Mid-coast gives you lots of options depending on weather and is a resonable drive. (Just under 3 hours from Portsmouth, NH)

>Is this the best time of year to paddle here(July)? That is to get good weather. How were the bugs?

August would probabaly be better for weather - water would be warmer. But as you get into the heart of the Summer you can expect more boat traffic. We basically didn't have any to contend with during this trip.

We stayed at a large campground and did day trips - bugs came out at sunset, but were never a real problem.

>About how many miles did you paddle each day?

It varied from 8 to 12 NM each day, thelongest paddle being the day we headed out to Eastern Egg Rock to see the puffins.

Next year we are talking about heading up on Sat July 2 and staying for the full week, and adding a couple of day trips to the Muscle Ridge channel area Rockport/South Thomaston/Tennats Harbor area.

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