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4/20/03-Southie to Spectacle


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Alex, Andrew and I had a most enjoyable 2 hour paddle out of South Boston on Sunday. I've been training for the marathon and so my paddling activites had been cut to zero. But Andrew twisted my arm, oh so gently, and convinced me to go out for a short 2 hour tour out of South Boston. Couldn't have asked for a better day! Sunny, a slight breeze from the east and neglible boat traffic. I got to try out my new Greenland paddle that my father made for me for my birthday and it worked very well. i still have to get used to not rolling it like I would with a feathered paddle. We trundled out to Spectacle and Andrew took some lovely pictures with his new digital camera. then we cruised around the South side of Spectacle, chased a few seagulls that were watching us from the shore and then caught the flood tide coming back in to Castle Island. We were moving at a good clip at the end with the wind at our backs and the tide moving with us.

Andrew's folks were there and they took some nice photos of us going along the breakwater that forms Pleasure Bay. Then Andrew and Alex practiced some rolls (all executed with panache) in the cold water and Andrew showed off some of his new paddle control manuevers that he's picked up recently. He's looking like a pro!

So it was a great day to be out, even if it was a short tour. But now that the marathon is finished, I'll be paddling more regularly (thankfully!).


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