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Marblehead to Salem Willows 6-29

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Guest guest

19 brightly colored kayaks were lined up along Riverside beach on Saturday morning. Trip participants included some old freinds and new faces. Everyone must have been excited about a day on the water with a perfect forecast. 6 paddlers where already in the parking lot when the leader arrived 90 minutes ahead of launch. Others soon arrived and we departed earlier than the 10am plan.

We made our way through the left side of the harbor winding our way through the moored boats and up to the edge of the channel. A short sprint across in an impressive line was great practice for the mouth of Salem Harbor yet to come. We went out into the infamous confused water at the harbor entrance for a few minutes of bracing and big smiles! Up the coast we went in a tight diamond shape to Peaches Point. A few waves from motor boats and jet skis resulted in a few white knuckles in some and a renewed confidence in others.

We again managed the perfect 19 boat line across Naugus Head to Winter Island. Across the channel, we paused for a few bow dunk cool offs and then proceeded around to the small beach at Salem Willows for lunch. A few surprised sunbathers awoke to the charging invasion of our kayak fleet. It was an outstanding place to lounge for a 1/2 hour.

We returned to the water and made yet another crossing at the mouth of the harbor. A lesurely paddle to Daliber cove and it was time to play! Wet exists, T-rescues, paddle float solo entries and a couple of "scoops" had just about everyone trying a new skill. Sadly after an hour of play, it was time for the slow paddle back to beach.

Most of us headed across the street for snack and a hope that the day would not end.

Thanks to co-leaders Jim Brayden, Richard Beckham, Patty Phelan and Allan Moore and everyone who came out to play for a wonderful day on the water!

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Guest guest

I would like to comment that this was the most co-operative group I have paddled with in a long time. They stopped when they got even with the lead boat, they kept in the diamond shape. The crossings were more like level 4 than level 2-3. A great day and a wonderful goroup.

Jim B

The one thing that unites all human beings,regardless of age, gender, religion, economic status or ethnic background,is that, deep down inside, we ALL believe that we are above average


P & H Orion

Yellow over White


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