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Vineyard crossing & Woods Hole -- Sunday Aug 5


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We have a small crew paddling early out of Woods Hole on Sunday, Aug 5, bound for Martha's Vineyard and then back early afternoon to play in the current and standing waves in the Hole. 13-15 nm altogether, with strong currents at several places, mostly -- but not always -- in our favor. If interested, contact me for details -- djlewis at triadic dotty commie.

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I would love to join but I have a prior day kayak trip in the Woods Hole area (just not going to Vineyard though). Do you expect this trip to be more difficult than last one we did on the circumnavigation of Monomoy Islands?


Impex Montaux

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Hi, Peter -- The Vineyard trip should be similar in difficulty to the Monomoy circuit, though a bit shorter (13-15 nm). Instead of the 500m portage at Monomoy, the Vineyard trip will have a couple of short stretches of paddling hard against significant current. But mostly the current will be on our tails. Of course, that's all pending conditions, presently "SW winds 10 to 15 kt. Seas 2 to 3 ft, a chance of showers and tstms in the afternoon".

Playing in the current and wakes/waves in Woods Hole is a thing of its own. But if it's more than you want, you can pick a spot with lesser demands, sit on the beach and watch, or just paddle back, since it's close to the put-in.


PS: I see that CRCK is running their "advanced ocean skills" in WH on Saturday. That's a good class, and will do skills in current all day. This trip is a combo of medium-length crossings and a bit of play in current and probably bigger water than CRCK will tackle. Plus it's free ;-))

Nothing stopping you from doing both, of course -- they will be somewhat complementary.

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Just a note to say that I will be launching with this group but NOT doing the crossing to the Vineyard. Instead I will be poking around Bull Island, maybe the Weepeckets, Oncatena, etc. until the group returns to play the currents at Woods Hole. Anyone who prefers a more leisurely pace is welcome to join me.


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Equipment -- the usual for open water and distant shores -- tow, vhf, plenty to drink, spare paddle; plus, if you have them, kits for first aid, repair, shelter, hypothermia, etc. Oh yes, lunch ;-))


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hey Judy, that would be great. I am on my way now..5:30pm sat..will park over night at the Park and ride in the same area as the visitors center off the highway near Plymouth. Plan to leave there at 6:45am.Hope to see you tomorrow.


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