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Monomoy rip and the lighthouse 6/9 Saturday

Bolonsky Adam

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Staying at Nickerston State Park the night before is a possibility, to cut down on the driving and butt-busting.

Of course, if someone from NSPN has access to a Cape house, that would make things more interesting.

Launch from the Morris Island Causeway and paddle the west side of the Monomoys to the extreme south tip of South Monomoy Island.

Or launch from Hardings Beach, to cut down on the distance by a mile or two, if the summertime regs haven't yet kicked in.

On the way, stop to hike in to the abandonned lighthouse.

Although a lot of elephant seals feed in the rip, this isn't a east side up-the-Southway seals trip.

The tip of South Monomoy has fastwater and gets rough, but there's almost always an eddy to duck into.

Trip's best suited for fit paddlers who have long boats.

A long day on the water, but a lot of poking around on the flats and hanging around on the south tip of the island. Last weekend the tip waters were loaded with bluefish.

Predicted winds over 15 knots the night before cancel. The trip is a literal pain in the ass if the wind is up and from the southwest on the leg out.

Post your interest here.

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Looks like we have critical mass: David, me, Dee, Bob, possibly a couple of Wild Turkeys.

I might be able to bring along a zodiac with a 15-horse to get down to business faster on the fish on Sunday.

Anyone checked Nickerson yet for availability?

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Looks like it's too late for an advance reservation on Friday for one night -- they need two days. They do have tent sites for Saturday night, so I suspect there are some for Friday too. They'd be first-come, first-served.


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