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May 30 - Great Pond Skills - Kingston, NH


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Starting Wednesday May 30, 2007 at 5:30 p.m. I will be paddling at Great Pond in Kingston, NH to practice skills every Wednesday night throughout the summer. As like last year, we'll keep this a private, show and go type event. We averaged about 6-7 people per week. All are welcome to join in the fun.

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I've been going there pretty regulary since ice out for practice. Was there tension last year about the parking... seems I remember something about that...?

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Yes. I was impolitely told that the kayakers were taking up the parking spaces that are to be used by the boaters. (Of course there is no signage to this effect, or any reason that we can't park there also, etc.) but most of us unload our kayak and then park across the street. But not always - we are also an assertive bunch at times.

He also asked that we not congregate around the launch ramp. Reasonable request even if given to me by an insulting p'boater that was belching blue smoke everywhere at the time.

What I found somewhat humorous about this was that it was literally my first time there with my new sea kayak (had never used it - just joined NSPN) and this guy laid into me as though I was constantly disturbing his universe. He then strutted around as though he had finally given it to those kayakers - Sad Little Man with the Blue Smoke.


P&H Capella 163

Red/White/Black trim

NDK Explorer


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Interesting about parking across the street as it is posted No Parking Tow Zone. I often wondered if that was enforced.

Too bad that guy had his little rant at your expense.

H aving been around this area for 20+ years, I remember when the parking area was twice as large and completley over run on both sides of the road with..yup you guessed it P boaters.

Kingston finally had enough of that and hence the small parking area they have now.

I have only had positive experinces with people there but I'm usually there at odd hrs.

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I am working on alternative parking....either to get permission for across the street, the Kingston resident lot, the vacant camp or possibly at the Lakeside Restaurant. No promises on any of it. If the MA bass fisherman would stay in MA, there would be plenty of parking....LOL.

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It was just someone, and that's being kind to the guy.

Interesting about the parking across the street - there is a little lot there and on busy times there seems to always be people parked there. Last Saturday there was seven of us there for many hours and some of us parked there along with a couple powerboaters. Guess I will not feel guilty at all and just park in the "main" lot.


P&H Capella 163

Red/White/Black trim

NDK Explorer


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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi Cathy,

I'd like to go tonight and was wondering if you had any more info on the parking situation?



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Sorry we missed you. Most of us are normally there by 5:30. I did not get there until 6:10 and Doug also around 6:00. Wednesdays are very much like a S&G. Sometimes we have lots of people and some weeks nobody shows. Doug and I had a great paddle and we hooked up with Brian Wells at the end. Hope you make it out again.

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Not a problem at all...had fun chatting with Brian and Spider while there. I started to get chilled so headed home before you got there. I'll see you some other Wednesday.

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