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Dates for Goose in Summer 6/2&6/3, 6/16&6/17, 6/30&7/1, 7/14&7/15


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Note the following dates on your calendar

6/2 & 6/3

6/16 & 6/17

6/30 & 7/1

7/14 & 7/15

All are dates are day trip opportunities to go and play in the flood current that shoots under the bridge at Goose Cove in Gloucester. It's like white water paddling in a sea kayak. Current runs like seven knots with lots of foam and bubbling water. I've been a few times, and it's an absolute blast, and GREAT rough water practice, w/easy bail outs at hand.

You'd leave from Corliss Landing off Wheeler Street – or Lanes Cove for a little longer paddle - at 10 or 11 o'clock depending. You want to be there about two hours before high tide, and once you're in, you're in. You can't get out for at least two hours. Dates reflect high tides ranging from 12 to 1 pm.

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Current cuts a swath throught the cove, and the eddies on either side are very, very calm, so easy to duck out and sit and rest. Some rocks line the cove, so you can lean you elbow on them and relax. Insofar as actually getting out of your boat and, say, having lunch? I don't know . . . good bet it's ALL private property, and there was a broo-ha-ha some years ago with the immediate abutter and kayakers. Others may be able to elaborate. I'd err on the side of caution and good public relations, and not land (xcept in case of medical or xtreme emergency), and be prepared to spend a good few hours in the boat. Don't want to spoil access to a good spot.

Plus, time flies when you're havng fun. You're so busy practicing ferrying and peel outs, you're not concerned with landing . . .

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