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Sat 4/28 Merrimack

Kevin B (RPS Coach)

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Put in around 2pm at Rocks Village bridge. Planning on riding down to see if there are any seals around at low tide. This may be one way trip with return by car (10 miles) or a round trip (20 miles) so will need to know who's planning on going. You must post here and receive a response from me or I assume I'm going alone. If you call me and leave a message, don't assume everything is all set until you get a call back from me. Usual SNG rules apply.

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You sure do have great timing... Going to Albany that day.

Yesterday when I went over the Rock's Village Bridge, the water level was at the top of the depth marker. Going to Newburyport at 11:45 (~high tide) I tried to go to Cashman park, but the driveway was blocked by debris including part of a broken dock. This a good 200 feet from the river. Going downtown I saw for the first time the Merrimack had flooded over the top of the boardwalk. It was surreal to sit in the parking lot and see noting but river in front of me. And the current, aided by the easterly wind and incoming tide, was ferocious.

Today I went over the Rock's bridge at 9 AM and the current was unbelievable. It was so strong around the bridge center pier that there was a standing wave that extended out about 20 to 30 feet. Sure, nothing like Scotland, but seeing the large swell just sit there and roll was both impressive and frightening. The latter in that we have kayaked here.

Here's to better conditions on the 28th.


P&H Capella 163

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>Floating debris in the water and increased currents due to

>flood flows are serious hazards.

Hi Liz;

I hope it didn't sound like I was actually ON the river! I would last about 4.3 nanoseconds. I think all of us would agree that being on it any of these stormy days would be more than "manifestly unsafe"; it would be "insane".


P&H Capella 163

Red/White/Black trim

NDK Explorer


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