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UPDATE of the UPDATE! Now Post Party Sun 12/3 due to weather (Pre Party SNG Sat. 12/2 Loc

Kevin B (RPS Coach)

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Well, the weather looks rather nasty for the weekend, but planning to paddle. It may be a long paddle, a surf paddle or just a plain skills paddle. Given that we need to get to the party early to set up, we're sticking to the Salem area. Basically, depending on conditions, may circum nav the Sound, do skills at Forest River or try to find something at Nahant (Damn I wish Sing would share his magic! ;). If interested in any of these, please post here. Will make final call Friday evening based on forecast.


Planning on paddling Sun. rather than Sat. due to most recent forecast (gusts up to 40knots sounds fun and that the same time they don't ;) Would prefer to stay local so thinking Conomo put in, Gloucester put in or Beverly put in. Any ideas?

UPDATE2: 9am at Tuck in Beverly....cirvumavigate Salem Sound

UPDATE3: Looks like we'll put in closer to 10am., otherwise all is the same.

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I am planning on Conomo at around 1. I dont expect the wind and waves to drop off comfortably enough in beverly/salem. EG I dont want to be a rescue toy.

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Coming from Salem

Cross the new Beverly Salem Bridge, bear right (frog left) at the end of the bridge. Follow the road until the yacht club is on your right. More or less straight ahead you can drive onto the beach and drop your boat off. Return to the street and park.

Coming from Beverly

Head toward Salem on Rantoul or Cabot Street, as you reach the point where they come together take a left turn. Follow the road until the yacht club is on your right. More or less straight ahead you can drive onto the beach and drop your boat off. Return to the street and park.

Coming from elsewhere

Take 128 to Rte 62 exit, northbound the exit number has fallen from the sign, southbound it may not be but I can't remember what it is. From northbound bear right from the ramp onto Rte 62. From southbound turn left at the end of the ramp and left again at the end of the road passing under 128 - you are now on Rte 62. Take 62 several miles until it meets Cabot St at a "T" intersection. Turn right and continue until Cabot St meets Rantoul Street and the Beverly Salem bridge is visible. Turn left and follow the road until the yacht club is on your right. More or less straight ahead you can drive onto the beach and drop your boat off. Return to the street and park.

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