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Popham Beach, Sunday Oct 8th


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Popham Beach: surfing Sunday Oct 8th.

I’ll be at Popham Beach on Sunday Oct 8th, long boat surfing, and/or paddling, practicing in & out of surf zone, probably from @ 9-9:30 AM until I get too tired to roll (afternoon, some time) Familiar/friendly faces, as always , a pleasure.

High Tide at Fort Popham is 12:30PM, low tide is 6:44PM.

If you’re interested, see you there, or post here ,or email me at pbrady@neaq.org

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Hey Peter... are you still planning to go? If I'm trying to decide whether to drive all the way up to Popham or just do something more local like Kevin's SNG. If I'm up early, may do the drive. Otherwise, have a great time up there!

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Looks like I have a couple of things to take care of in the morning so will head to Conomo this time. have a ball up there!

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