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Anyone want to find some surf today (Wed 10/4)


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The Goose Neck window is gone but I still want to find some adventure tonight. If anyone wants to go surfing please give me a ring at 617-933-9090 (I don't want to surf solo). If there's takers I'll update this post with a when and where.

Cheers, Joe

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I punted on my usual Subie shopping day today, as I've 10 stuffed around here, so I may be up for it. Let me know. 781 483-3922

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Hey Ernie... I'm getting dumped to voice mail. I'm heading out to NESC in a few minutes to pick up some stuff. Low tide is around 4:18 in Newburyport so I'm guessing Conomo is going to be a muddy mess. I understand the parking can be difficult near the Essex public ramp so I'll probably be looking at Pavilion Beach (although I'm open to other locations as well). If anyone is interested in joining me give me a ring as my plans will change if I have nobody to paddle with (I'll look for something a little more tame).

Try me at 617-933-9090 first. If I don't pick up call me at 650-279-6268 (my mobile) and leave a message, I'll call back (don't leave a message on the 617 number, I can't retrieve it when I'm on the road... also don't tag the message as "urgent"... due to a stupid bug that Verizon refuses to fix, I'll never get the message (well... I might get it next month)).

Cheers, Joe

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