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SNG Wednesday 10/4, Gloucester-ish


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I'd like to get a longer paddle in on Wednesday. I was wondering if anyone was interested in meeting at 1 to 2 somewhere in Gloucester, (I've never paddled in Gloucester so I need help with put-ins and where to go) go for a paddle and then meet up with Rick Crangle on the water (Goose Cove http://www.nspn.org/htdocs/dcforum/DCForumID3/6608.html )?

If anyone's interested (or if you have knowledge of the area and can make suggestions) please post here.

Cheers, Joe

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I might be paddling out there around 3pm but not sure at the moment. If you want to join Rick at Goose Cove, note that it is off the Annisquam so plan accordingly. If you only want river access, the best place to put in is at the high school. If you want harbor access, the Greasy Pole would be best.

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Thanks Kevin,

I assume the area that Rick is talking about is here:

http://tinyurl.com/n7wxh (may want to zoom out a bit and switch to map mode)

I was thinking of paddling over to the area near Conomoy just outside of Essex Bay (same place we were at a few weeks ago) to see if there was any surf to play in. The general forecast is saying waves 3 - 5 feet. Seems like they're never as big close to land as they predict but maybe it'll be enough to have some more fun. I'm not sure if this is the most reliable source for a forecast but... this is where my data is coming from...


Cheers, Joe

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Ahhh... well at least I've demystified for myself WHAT the Greasy Pole is.

I was thinking it was perhaps a nickname given to a seedy strip joint. Anyhow... WHERE is this said Greasy Pole?

Cheers, Joe

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For the two of you and anyone who hasn't been there yet click on "Home" and "put-ins" and scroll down to Gloucester. Scroll further to Pebble Beach and elsewhere you'll also find Rockport. Some of the put-in info regarding parking, etc. may be dated but the roads and destinations haven't moved. On the way back from Lane's Cove you can stop for Richardson's ice cream at the Willow Rest.

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