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SNG - Sunday 10/1 Contoocook River, Concord NH


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I'm going paddling with my GF. She needs to get some work done on her boat so we'll be at Contoocook River Canoe Company in Concord NH. Since we'll be there we'll just put in at their beach and paddle upstream. The launch fee from their beach is $3.00.

This stretch of the Contoocook River is flat and slow moving (it's like paddling on a long ultra narrow lake). The ocassional pontoon boat will go through but that's it (and they move REALLY slow). I figure it's a great opportunity to work on my forward stroke since there's no other distractions to worry about. I'm shooting to launch around 12:00 PM rain or shine (lighting cancels). Bring some snacks or lunch, we'll stop on one of the beaches to eat.

*** If anyone is interested in joining us please post here, send me a private message, or call me at 617-933-9090. If nobody responds we may change our plans regarding the time... if we have company then we'll be prompt. ***

The address is 9 Horse Hill Road, Concord, NH


As you enter the driveway bear left and head downhill on the dirt road and park there.

Cheers, Joe

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