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Seabrook/Hampton Harbor Sun AM July 30


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Planning to go kayaking off Hampton Beach Sunday morning from the Seabrook/Hampton Harbor put-in described on the nspn site. Looking to arrive at the parking lot before beach traffic gets unbearable and depart early afternoon to beat worst outgoing traffic. Plans include general touring, maybe rolling practice and hopefully surfing if I can find waves and avoid jet-ski's. Let me know if you want to meet up at the parking lot or Harbor-side beach.


TIME CHANGE!!!! I had a change to my afternoon schedule so I will be getting to Seabrook Hampton Harbor parking lot at 8:15 to 8:30 am. Sorry if this is inconvinient. Anyone interested can contact me via email (hugh at bostonmoon NOSPAM com) or 617-592-8785 . I will also email anyone who has expressed interest when I have details. Directions on the put-ins page are very good.

BTW: I am not qualified as a trip leader or rolling instructor. However, I have paddled this area before and I am experienced in assisted rescues if rolling fails.

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