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Monomoy - 9/2


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It looks like Tom Hennes and I are going to do Monomoy this Friday (checking with him about possibly 9/3 - Saturday).

Plan A is to do a clockwise circumnavigation, leaving at 7 AM. High tide is 12:40, beginning of ebb current at Pollack Rip is 9:40. This should put us at the southern tip just as the ebb tide is running.

We'll paddle south and check out the sea conditions at the end of S. Nauset beach, if the ocean looks too bouncy, we'll go through the gap between N. and S. Monomoy and play on the west side. Since high tide is at 12:40, it'll make the flats bearable.

Reminder: the full circumnavigation is 20 nm. Right now, the forecast is reasonable (5-10 kt winds and sunny), but the remnants of Katrina may give some swells on the ocean side.

E-mail me if you have some interest.

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