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Nantucket Sound/Monomoy?


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I missed the amazing Monomoy circumnavigation. I will, however, be at the Cape on and off until Labor Day.

If anyone is interested in a venture, please contact me or post a response.

I know most of the area from Swan River to Stage Harbor, and the Herring River, which are pretty mild. I'd be interested in trying some of Monomoy - anything from the north island to trying something more ambitious like the south island, if there is a minimum of 3 people.


John Huth

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John, I'd be interested in Monomoy. I'm visiting the Cape and available from Friday of next weekend onward. I'm from NY, am accustomed to 40-ish mile paddles with varying conditions, though not much on open water beyond the harbor here, which can get pretty wild at times. A friend and paddling companion, Dan Starer, did a south Monomoy circ. solo a couple of weeks ago and is urging me to do the trip- he had a great time.

I can be reached via mobile at 917-257-5716, and will arrive in Chatham to stay with friends on Wednesday evening, the 31st, boat and all.



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Speak of the devil - I am just back this moment from N. Monomoy.

The circumnavigation is about 20 nm, so if you're used to 40, it's easy. The trickiest bits are the breaking waves on the shoals on the ocean side of the south island and the current on the southern tip. You have to take care to make sure the current is going the way you want. The flats are also problematic - best to give them a healthy distance, particularly when the tide is ebbing. Finally, the boat traffic around the north island can be a bear.

My local friend, Julie, says the "best" way of doing it is to start out at the beginning of the ebb from Chatham and go clockwise. There is some current in the gap between N. Monomoy and the beach to the east (having come from there just now, I'm guessing something of order a knot). Of course, the timing of the tide etc. doesn't always work out perfectly, so a counterclockwise trip could be required.

Phones - my cell is 617 594 6549.

I'll be here (Harwich) from Wed through Tuesday, so there's a pretty good chance we can figure something out.

e-mail is huth@physics.harvard.edu

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