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Cohasset -- Sunday 8/21 -- ON!


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The thunderstorm threat seems to have receded until the late afternoon. In any case, we can stick close to shore, and in fact, to bailout roads, especially later in the paddle. Check the radar before you leave.

BTW, if you expect to play in rocks, current or waves, I recommend you wear a helmet.


Minot Light, rock gardening, play in Little Harbor rip, picnic on Leslie's Rock, tour up or down the South Shore coast. We'll decide when we gather, but the Little Harbor ebb rip starting around 1:30-1:45 definitely beckons.

Launch time 10:00 AM.

As usual with private trips, there is no leader, just organizers, and everybody is responsible for their own safety and decisions. This will be roughly level 3-4, depending on conditions and how venturesome you want to be.

If interested, post here or e-mail the organizer (me: djlewis at triadic dot com) and I'll send driving and parking directions.


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Johnny's gonna paddle again? Count me in!

BTW, if anybody wants to check out the Cohasset Harbor Rip, I'll be playing there from 10-12 (WW boats), then joining the sea boaters at Little Harbor later on. You can hook up with either "morning session" at the put-in at 10 o'clock.

P.S. - I don't think the Little Harbor ebb will start until 2:15PM or slightly later.

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Great, Mark... see you at the put-in and again in the afternoon. The Cohasset Harbor rip sounds like fun too.

Does everybody get the difference? The Cohasset Harbor rip (#2 on the route below) is in Cohasset inner harbor, near the bridge, maybe half a mile from the put-in. I've never played it, but I understand it is more intense and attracts whitewater paddlers. Maybe Mark can explain more.

The Little Harbor rip (#8 on the route) is up the coast about 3/4 nm from the edge of the outer harbor, 1.5 nm from the put-in. Little Harbor drains into the open ocean through a narrow channel that, before and after high tide makes a playful, sea kayakable rip of maybe 2-5 kts, with nice standing waves, depending on winds and tides. It's a great place to learn to handle moderate but significant current, with eddy manuevers, ferrying, surfing standing waves, etc. in long boats.

The good ebb rip starts 1/2 to 1 hour after Boston Light high, which is 1:15 on Sunday. Yes, Mark, I have seen it worth playing as little as half an hour after high, but it does pick up for the next hour or so and lasts maybe 1.5-2 hours altogether before the rocks expose enough to be problematic, which depends on the height of the tide. Sometimes, you get significant (and fun) standing waves way out into the open water, especially later.

Besides those, there's lots more good paddling in the area.



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