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It's boat whoring time again... this time, play boats!!!


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Gimmee some ideas. Still love the Aquanaut (for the most part... haven't decided if I like, or hate the seat... I think I'm close to taking a Dremel Tool to it and spending a long warm night with a pile of closed cell, a SurForm, and my butt (the SurForm is for the closed cell, not my butt)) but I'm thinking I'd like something more nimble for the waves and the rocks (I don't want a pure surf boat yet... that comes after the "play" boat).

On the list of stuff to try is the Pintail, Avocet (and probably the Anu... ahem, Anas) and perhaps a short Capella (plastic 160, glass 161 or 163 (in the past I've had extreme allergic reactions to P&H boats but the last time I climbed into one I didn't break out in hives so I figured they deserve another chance)). Anyone have any suggestions of other boats that I might want to climb into? I'm more interested in surf characteristics and I'd perhaps want a boat that's going to challenge me a bit as well.

Cheers, Joe

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