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Skills Practice Session #5: Rock Gardening - Sat. 8/8/20 @ 9 am

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This coming Saturday 8/8/20 at 9 am we will be holding a Skills Practice Session on rock garden techniques. We will be practicing in learning-friendly situations that allow us to work on our essential skills of observation, analysis and paddling in rocks.

The ancient Greeks understood the value of rock gardening:

Socrates: Paddling in rocks is one of the noblest arts practiced on the water.
Polus: Why should I care about paddling in rocks? Aren't they just there to hurt your boat?
Socrates: Polus, sometimes you lack imagination. Reading a rock environment to identify and exploit the natural forces is a puzzle that exercises the mind and improves all of our paddling skills.
Polus: But surely once you've been through a bunch of rocks, they're not interesting any more.
Socrates: The shape of a rock environment constantly transforms, as the moon goddess Selene controls the ever-changing tide. And no two waves are the same.
Polus: You're making this sound kind of... intellectual... I just want to have fun...
Socrates: C'mon, Polus, get with the program. Playing in rocks is a total blast. It's way more interesting than open water!

We launch from Pebble Beach in Rockport, MA: https://goo.gl/maps/8hWLUJqdb1sHzWC97 and park on the beach side of Penzance Road in the non-residents' area before you get to the sign with parking information. There is no fee.

We ask everyone to pre-register for this trip using this form link: https://forms.gle/zycUpDLU6sG5T1X37

Conditions on Saturday are forecast to be perfect for this sort of activity: small, long-period swell and low wind. We will likely head north towards Straitsmouth, then out to Thacher.

You must bring a helmet for this sessionYou should also bring a pair of gloves (for barnacles, not for warmth).

This will be a longer session than usual because of the nature of the material and the venue. Please plan on being on the water until about 2 pm.

Covid-19 paddling: on this trip we will strictly observe social distancing and MA state recreational boating guidelines for the pandemic. Please research and respect all regulations that apply at the time of the paddle. In particular, we will stay at least 6 feet apart and wear face masks while off the water in public use areas.


Edited by Joseph Berkovitz
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