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Andrea - Rescheduled to 5/9! 4pm Eastern

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Deepest apologies for the poorly timed message board crash on Saturday. The event has been rescheduled. I have included the link below - I recommend you copy and paste it somewhere safe just in case lightening strikes twice. 


NSPN is excited to host Andrea Knepper of Chicago Adventure Therapy for a Zoom presentation and Q+A 

In the summer of 2019 Andrea took a sabbatical from her role as executive director of CAT to paddle the west coast from Canada to Mexico. She will share experiences and photos from her trip with us and take questions and answers.  It should be an exciting "virtual paddle" with her and we hope many of you will join us.

Link to meeting: 

For more info about the amazing Chicago Adventure Therapy check out their website ahead of time http://2011.chicagoadventuretherapy.org/

For more details about Andrea's adventure check out her Facebook log at https://www.facebook.com/pages/category/Sports---Recreation/Dres-West-Coast-Adventure-1944272392361643/


(Photo credit: Jen Kleck) 



Event is tomorrow!  Copy the link in case there is another problem with the forum (let's hope not!!)


I just received a message from the NSPN Message Board saying Andrea's Zoom Presentation is at 2 PM today rather than 4 PM (see above). Maybe there is a time zone question? Either way, is anyone sure which is correct?



It’s 4pm. Can you tell me where you saw 2 so I can trouble shoot? On the message board, Facebook, email?


Seems some people may have gotten a (very delayed) email that says 2pm. That system seems to be buggy.  It’s a 4pm ET today. 2pm if you are in Mountain Time :)

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