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DAY 1: 7/10 from 5-8pm

DAY 2: 7/12 from 7-10pm

The Rock, Paddle, Surf (RPS) Coastal Navigation course consists of two, on-the-water evening sessions. The goal is to develop skills for safe and enjoyable kayak navigation along the coast (within five miles of land). The first evening is entirely in daylight. It starts with an on-beach discussion of tides, weather, the wind, waves, swells, boat traffic, and wildlife. It continues with an introduction to the marine chart, and the use of a compass. The on-water segment is initially focused with “H2O Orienteering”, with the goal of using the environment, a chart, and compass to determine location and direction. The topics include bearings, back-bearings, topography, buoys, landmarks, and shore curvature. We will discuss rules of thumb related to the on-water estimation of distance and angles. The second part of the course involves moving on the water, including exploitation of transits, bearing compensation for the wind and current (steering off), ferry angles, and parallax. The course culminates with a night paddle, in which we use lights, visible shore topography, buoys, and crossing duration to navigate. Location: Both sessions will be in the Portsmouth, NH Piscataqua waterways. Registration covers both days.



The course will be taught by Kevin Beckwith and Bob Levine.

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