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2017 CAM Trainings


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For many years now, NSPN has organized it's trips using a system called the Common Adventure Model, or CAM.  Common Adventure trips can be very interactive for all participants, and therefore tend to encourage learning and improving various paddling skills.  Using this system, paddlers can quickly develop the skills to be a more confident paddler, more capable group member, and even become a group leader themselves.

The training will be structured in three parts:

  • Classroom Sessions - open to all, these will concentrate on CAM core concepts as they relate to leadership, group participants, overall group management.
  • On-Water Leadership - designed for the more skilled paddler, these cold-water sessions explore various leadership skills including group management and incident management (cold-water gear is required!)
  • Continuing Education - open to all, the summertime is the perfect time to review everything again, and will be a type of "moving classroom" where we can discuss topics as we travel or take breaks along the way.

This year, we have decided to concentrate on core CAM concepts, and use the opportunity to dispel some long-standing CAM misunderstandings.  Even if you are a long-time NSPN paddler and think you know CAM, you should come and join in on the conversations. 

Dates for this year's CAM trainings are as follows:
Classroom Session #1: Saturday April 8th - (next weekend!!) Location is a private residence, so will be provided to registrants only
Classroom Session #2: Saturday May 13th - REI in Reading
On-Water Session #1: Saturday June 10th - Location TBD
On-Water Session #2: Saturday June 17th - Location TBD

I apologize for the short notice of the first session, but we were having difficulty finding a location to hold it.  More detailed information for each event will be posted separately as well as posted on the calendar.  Please look for those postings for signup information, and contact me if you have any questions.



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Additional information on this year's CAM Classroom sessions:

In past years, there have been two classroom sessions and in addition to discussing CAM concepts, topics such as wind, weather, waves, navigation/chart reading and trip planning were discussed.  It was a lot of information that could be overwhelming for newer paddlers and in addition, if you missed one class, you missed a lot of information.


This year, we are proposing the model of holding two classroom sessions that are exactly the same – so if you cannot attend both, you won’t miss anything.  In each of those sessions, we will discuss the following as they pertain to CAM:

  • Leadership

  • Group Paddlers and Group Dynamics

  • Environment

  • Communication


So we are (potentially*) removing the additional topics of weather/tides and navigation/trip planning.  Our intent is to cover the CAM core concepts in detail and hold separate classes on specific topics - see the navigation class scheduled for Sunday, April 23 as an example.




We have posted the two classroom and two water sessions to the calendar:  Class - Apr 8 and May 13; Water - Jun10 and Jun17.  Please sign up for the ones you can make.

If it looks as if most can make both sessions and people are interested, we will add those topics back in, so the two sessions will be different.  If it looks as if there’s an even split in attendance on the two days, the agenda will be identical on both days. 


Please also post below you thoughts on the new format and whether you can make one or both classroom sessions.  We will adjust accordingly – and in CAM fashion, do what is best for the group.  Post questions here as well so answers can be shared with everyone.

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To expand on  Rob's excellent introduction,  for the classroom sessions we're thinking to try something a little different and focus on what would I like to know before going on or proposing a trip? Hopefully, with the knowledge of the participants and the facilitators (Rob, Lorrie Allen, Bob Levin and I at this point) we can make these sessions useful for folks new to ocean paddling as well as experienced club members.  Looking forwards to seeing you there.


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An email has been sent out to all those attending.  If you have not listed yourself as "Going" on the calendar and would like to attend, please post here, or send me a PM, or mark yourself as "Going" on the calendar, maybe a note via a carrier pigeon, or send up some smoke signals...... just let us know!

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I want to say thanks to Bob and Phil (and Lorrie in absentia) for their help with the first CAM classroom session, and to all who attended.  There was a great amount of conversation about various topics, and I hope that everyone came away with something to think about.  I am looking forward to doing it again in May!

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Rob, Bob, and Phil,

Thanks for great meeting and careful thought about what CAM really means. Lots of good ideas, useful distinctions, and modeling CAM by having an open discussion rather than a lecture.


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Please note that tomorrows CAM Classroom session will be starting at 10:00am and not 9:00am as originally posted on the calendar.  I am attempting to contact all who have signed up, and if you haven't signed up yet, and plan to go, please RSVP on the calendar.  Thanks!

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Good discussion and positive energy at CAM Classroom session yesterday.

I especially enjoyed the afternoon exercises which put into practice the step-by-step considerations of trip planning. It was fun! And not all that daunting really, especially knowing there are members eager to help. I hope more members will consider initiating a trip this season.

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