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Navigation Paddle Boston Harbor: Sunday March 26


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I would like to thank the participants of the navigation session and paddle. During the in-house session on Saturday we worked on chart orientation and the computation of ferry angles on crossings. We also did a trip plan for the Boston Harbor paddle on the following day. Special thanks to Phil Allen for helping with the session, and people who helped with the set-up and food. Attached are 1) links to the current data from the NOAA website for relevant locations surrounding Peddocks Island in Boston Harbor, and 2) the trip report for the Sunday paddle. The Sunday paddlers were Joe, Shari, Mike, Andy, and me. I would definitely like to repeat the exercise from Houghs Neck before the boat traffic hits in the summer, and work in more examples of crossing in current.

Boston Harbor Navigation Session and Paddle_3_25-3_26_2017_NOAA_current_links.pdf

Trip report 3_26_2017 Boston Navigation Houghs Neck Quincy to Peddocks.pdf

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Thanks Bob for all your hard work and for opening your house to the pre-trip navigation learning exercises. I still need work on sorting out those vectors and ferry angles! I'm sorry I could not attend the paddle the next day. Impressive trip report! 


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