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Play and Paddle July 10?


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Please join me on Sunday, July 10.

Park your car, with kayak and gear, at the public lot on Rocky Neck, no later than 1:30 PM. Walk back to E. Main St., turn left and come into Gloucester Stage Company to see "The Last Schwartz", a comedy. More info here: http://gloucesterstage.com/the-last-schwartz/

After the play we will walk back to our cars and launch from Rocky Neck, at about high tide. Depending on the wishes of the group we can tour Gloucester harbor, go around the Dogbar  to Braces Cove, or go down to Kettle Island or Magnolia. 

I will be going to the play regardless of interest in paddling after, but I would love Company on the water for the evening and sunset.  

Possible PPP-O at The Rudder, after.


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