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2016 Pool Sessions


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Pool sessions at the Haverhill High School are now available to purchase for the upcoming winter season, and we hope to add more as the season approaches. In an effort to streamline the purchasing process, we have implemented a new system that will allow you to purchase sessions directly through the website. These pool sessions are offered as a benefit to being a paid member of NSPN, and therefore are only available to active members. If you are experiencing any issues with your membership, please email Membership@NSPN.org and we will work as quickly as possible to resolve it.

As in years past, we are required to have club insurance in order to use the pool facilities, so we are using the ACA club insurance program again. You will need to download the ACA Adult Liability Waiver form here, or in the Downloads section of the message board and print one for EACH pool session you will attend. You will not be allowed to participate in a pool session if you do not complete a Liability Waiver form for that session.

On a final note, due to a number of factors, pool sessions can only be purchased using PayPal, not by check as has been done in the past. We understand that this may be an inconvenience for a couple of people, so if you need assistance using the PayPal system, please email Membership@NSPN.org.

Please follow these instructions for pool session purchases:

  • Click on this link to go to the list of pool session dates (or access them through the Store link under the blue top banner on the message board)
  • Choose the pool session date that you want to attend and click Add To Cart
  • If you are not an ACA member, you must Add To Cart the $5 event fee, otherwise Add To Cart the ACA Active Member
  • In the next window, dont worry about the Associate This Package option and just click Add To Cart again
  • If you would like to add another pool session, click on Continue Shopping, otherwise skip to Step #8
  • Select Pool Sessions from the Product Categories list on the left
  • Repeat steps #2-#4 for each pool session you want to add
  • When you are ready to pay for your selections, click Checkout and then Confirm My Order. You will be taken to PayPal to pay for your order.

If you are unable to attend a pool session after purchase, we cannot issue any refunds unless the pool facility closes due to inclement weather or other reasons. If you would like to let someone else purchase the session from you, you must make those arrangements on your own. They must bring their own ACA Liability Release form, and pay the $5 Event Fee if required.

Any questions, comments, or feedback about this new process are more than welcome, or if you experience any difficulty, do not hesitate to email Membership@NSPN.org or Private Message Rob Folster (aka Bearded Recluse) for assistance.

All pool sessions are offered in partnership with the ACA and are ACA sanctioned events.

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The pool session dates have also been added to the calendar. So far, we have the following dates scheduled for Haverhill:

Sunday 1/10/16

Saturday 1/23/16

Sunday 1/31/16

Sunday 2/21/16

Saturday 2/27/16

Sunday 3/6/16

Sunday 3/13/16

Saturday 4/2/16

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For those of you that do not have a PayPal account, you can do a one-time transaction through PayPal using a credit card without creating a PayPal account if you don't want to, or create an account instantly if you so choose. It is very easy to do, but if you have trouble, email Membership@NSPN.org or Private Message me and I will help you out.

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  • 1 month later...

Our first pool session of the year is coming up this Sunday, and there is still room to join in on the fun. With the weekend forecast looking not so great, a pool session would be a good opportunity to work on some of those skills that you never seem to get around to practicing during the paddling season. You can also avoid the "ice-cream headache" from working on those rolls during the winter months when the ocean gets below 50 degrees.

Don't forget to print, fill out, and bring your ACA Liability Waiver form, and include your ACA number if you have one (or check the One-Time Event box if you are not an ACA member). Prudence and I will be there to collect the waiver forms, and as always, email Membership@NSPN.org or PM me if you have any questions.

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I have added a link to the ACA Adult Liability Waiver form, which is needed by anyone attending a pool session, and you can also access it here, I have also added the address of the Haverhill High School, which is 137 Monument Street, to each pool session.

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  • 1 month later...

Update:  The remaining pool sessions for this season have the following openings:

Sunday 2/21/16 - 1 Available

Saturday 2/27/16 - 5 Available

Sunday 3/6/16 - 3 Available

Sunday 3/13/16 - 3 Available

Saturday 4/2/16 - 4 Available


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  • 4 weeks later...

Update:  There is one spot left for this Sunday's pool session.  Last pool session is on Saturday April 2nd and has four spaces remaining.

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  • 3 weeks later...

The last pool session of the year is coming up this Saturday, and there is still plenty of room.  Long range weather forecast doesn't look good for being outside (30k winds and snow showers?!?!) so take advantage of the last chance for an indoor practice session and sign up today.

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