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Lanes Cove … Thursday 6 August


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Hmm, people are complaining that I’m having too much fun paddling solo. Sorry, I can’t help it; I just gotta paddle!

Anyway, to rectify, this I’d like to host a group paddle Thursday (8/6/15) from Lanes Cove, Gloucester. BIB time is 1100. The current plan is to paddle to Straitsmouth Island and have lunch there and/or head to a beach in Rockport.

There’s not enough space here so please check the subject line for additional details.

Please post interest here.


Hopefully we’ll be home in time to watch the TrumpNado show on the Fox channel.


A free tow to the first one who guesses where I was paddling to take this picture.


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Don't worry, I'll paddle no faster than the slowest paddle.


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Maybe Pablo was hoping for a training run? :-) But I'm not in training shape these days, unfortunately.

The stated trip (with Rockport) is about 12 miles, yes.


If we skip Straightsmouth the round trip would be shortened to about 10 miles.

Hmm, this reminds me of a race once with Lisa. The Blackburn Challenge director suggested that she and I should compete in a race around Cape Ann. But the one who’s boat placed second would get the super prize. So we started the race and after several boring hours we both had only paddled one mile. Then Lisa suggested something and I agreed to do it.

Lisa got the prize. What did she suggest?

Hint: We both got wet following the suggestion.


Edited by leong
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Leon, Lisa

Not in training shape either but 12 miles is fine by me.

I have done this loop a few times with Pru and it is great.

See you Thursday for BIB at 11:00


(617) 520-4396

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Hmm, kayak y, PFD y, paddle y, camera y, water y, sprayskirt y, .....

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As Pablo later found out we were all at the other side of Lanes Cove (near the boat ramp).

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Hi Fellow paddlers

Thanks for posting and doing a great trip. Sorry about the launch confusion.

Here via my GPS is a map and stats on the trip.





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