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Ladies Paddle


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A bevy of babes and beautiful boats launched from Riverview, Marblehead for the annual Ladies Paddle. Weather was sunny with a light and variable breeze. Instead of covering distance, we took our time and worked on skills including wet exits, skulling brace, bow hip snap, bow rescue, cow girl self rescue, and rolling. We ate well before, during and after with home made orange cranberry scones to start the trip, gluten free ginger cookies for lunch followed by the traditional post paddle ice cream. What a perfect trip. Although our numbers were small the company was exemplary.

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An outstanding Annual Ladies Paddle from my perspective. Collaborative and safety-conscious leadership, wonderful weather and location, skills practice and excellent company all contributed to a day that was both relaxing and productive. Paddling with this group has increased my motivation to improve my skills and conditioning and get out on the water as often as I can. Thank you.


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