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Stonington Islands: Saddleback Island Retreat July 24-27


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Saddleback Island Paddling Retreat July 24-27

NSPNers are welcome to this paddling retreat on Sadleback Island in the Stonington archipelago.

The Stonington area is one of the top paddling destinations in all of Maine. This area is very scenic with its numerous islands, and offers an endless menu of paddling options, from short, putter–around trips between islands to more adventurous journeys to nearby islands such as Marshall and Isle au Haut.
This retreat is suitable for L2 and above paddlers.

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This trip will be anchored on Saddleback Island which is reserved for the three nights of July 24, 25 and 26. The cabin sleeps 8 persons. There is also a campsite nearby on Saddleback island which comfortably accommodates 3 tents, perhaps more, and is available on a first-come first served basis. The cabin is $175 /night, so there would be a minimum cost of $22/person ($66/three nights) and a maximum cost of $35 per person per night depending on how many end up staying there. The cabin is likely to be full.

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There are also options to camp on your own on neighboring MTA Islands and be part of the retreat.

Getting there and back:post-100369-0-20408800-1431452744_thumb.

Saddleback island is a protected 2.5 mile paddle from Old Quarry Adventures, so this makes the trip open to L2 paddlers.

There is a parking fee at Old Quarry .

There is also an approach from Naskeag point of about 5.5 miles, semi exposed, so this would be an L3 paddle .

Groups paddling to the island will need to be coordinated in advance, as an L2 group will need to have some experienced paddlers along. There can be lots of fog at this time of year.

Grander options would include a tour of Isle au Haut or trips out to Marshall and Swan Islands. These trips could be up to L4, and would depend on weather, fog and conditions.

If you are interested, please PM me (PeterB) on the message board., we’ll get a participant list going.

Or email me at pbrady at neaq.org.

Group Limit is 8 in the cabin and 3-6 in the campsite. So maximum group is about 14.

Best way to sign up is to commit with $35/night deposit. And you will be refunded based on numbers of participants .

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