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2014 Chebacco Sessions

Rob Hazard

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This season's NSPN practice sessions at Chebacco Lake will begin officially on Thursday, June 12th at 5:00pm.

As is our habit, we will pursue our insufferably tedious study of kayaking mayhem until darkness or bloodthirsty mosquitoes force us off the water.

If you plan to join us, and we hope you do, please come equipped with boat, PFD, sprayskirt, paddle, and dress for immersion in cold water. This early in the season a drysuit is highly recommended.

To find Chebacco Lake, take Rt 128 to exit 16, Pine St, in Manchester. Turn right off the exit ramp and follow the road north. The pavement will end, but after a mile or so it will begin again. Then look for the boat ramp 1/4 mile ahead on your right.

Standing on the ramp you will see us in the cove to your left.

We typically continue the Thursday sessions until the end of September.

Hope to see you there!

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Question: Is a full wet suit OK for the June dates of these sessions? I have never owned a dry suit. I remember paddling in lakes in June with a wet suit and things have been OK. I am very careful and do not like to risk things. I am also thinking of paddling Walden soon but cannot get a water temp for the lake. So I have been holding off. Thoughts? I am looking forward to meeting many of you at the practice sessions. I used to go to many practice sessions when Bob B was still around town. I learned a lot at them. Thanks.

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Question: Is a full wet suit OK for the June dates of these sessions?

From a safety perspective, a full wet suit is fine at Chebacco and Walden in June because both sessions take place very close to shore. Even if your kayak literally fell apart, you could easily get to shore very quickly. Besides most of the other kayakers there will be interested in practicing rescues anyway!

From a comfort perspective, it depends on what you want to practice. If you are going to practice strokes, it might be a bit hot. If you are going to practice rolls, it might be a bit brisk. If you are going to practice slower rescues, it may be quite brisk. However, I would suggest you just go. Nothing says you have to keep getting wet if you feel cold.

-Bill Voss


I'll try to remember to bring my spare Greenland Paddle when I start attending Walden sessions. Though it will probably be too big for you. While Walden sessions are certainly not 100% Greenland Paddle based, many of the Walden regulars do use a Greenland paddle at least some of the time. Most people will be happy to let you try their paddle at least briefly.

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Try to join but not sure my hand get full recovery from the cut from glass while I practiced rescue at Mystic Lake.

I will do my best to say hello this Thursday.

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Thursday we had 6 boats on the lake. It was damp, gray, and cool and the majority of us were in drysuits. A little rolling happened but we mostly preferred to stay more or less upright. Give the water temp a tiny nudge upward and we'll start getting more upside down.

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Hi Rob,

It was great meeting you and other folks. Definitely I will be back, maybe once every two weeks. Every time I might be late because I can't leave work until 5:30pm.

The water temperature was surprisingly much warmer than last Wed when I was there. This weekend I will be back to Chebacco Lake for more rolling training.

See you next time!

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Hi Rob, Mike, Rick & the other gentleman. I forgot his name. Thank you so much for the help yesterday. All of my friends enjoy learning from you guys very much. I tied to promote sea kayaking among many of my young outdoor friends after some successful whitewater/rafting events in last 7 years. It was quite hard even I am pretty much a beginner too. It would be very sweet with friends like you around.

See you next time!

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