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Haverhill High Pool Session

Event details

Are you ready to practice your roll? Do you want to perfect your re-entry technique? Are you afraid that time spent without practicing a high-brace will leave you high and wet? Or do you just miss being in your boat?

All of our pool sessions this year will be the "Open Practice" format where you can learn from your peers. Things that can be practiced in a pool include skills, techniques and strokes that do not need an expanse of water, such as:

* Wet exits;

* Rescues, assisted and unassisted;

* Equipment testing, exploration, shakedown, usage or just getting

comfortable, for example, using a paddle float for rescues;

* Strokes not needing an expanse of water, such as draw and pry;

* Rolling, bracing, balance bracing, sculling, etc.

Equipment for pool sessions includes:

* PFD -- required for anyone in a boat in a pool session.

* Spray skirt -- required for the vast majority of skills to be


* Paddle float -- optional, for rescue practice, rolling practice, etc.

* Pump -- optional for practice involving capsized or swamped boats

* Goggles or a face mask -- highly recommended for practice that

involves immersion, since chlorinated pools can be hard on the eyes.


NSPN requires that payment for the pool sessions must be made in advance of the pool session. Your Registrar will provide you with the details that you need to know. Pool sessions are non-refundable.

$20 for members (you must be a member to attend these sessions)

This is a two hour pool session (5:30pm-7:30pm). Please make sure your boat is clean BEFORE the event, as there is no hose available at this location. Expect to arrive 15 minutes before to help each other with bringing boats into the pool. To register, please send the following information to Kevin Beckwith at kevin@nspn.org:


Phone Number

Emergency Contact

Emergency Contact Number

Boat description.



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