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New to Sea Kayaking Workshop

Sue H.
NSPN Calendar


NSPN will be holding its annual New to Sea Kayaking Workshop at Winter Island Park, 50 Island Road, Salem, MA.  This event is designed to be beneficial to a wide audience, from those who have never paddled any kind of boat, to others who maybe paddle calm locations to white water.  Regardless of your experience, if you are interested in knowing more about sea kayaking this is a great opportunity.  At the workshop, we will discuss what sea kayaking is about, look at various boats, paddles, other gear, clothing, safety equipment, and more.  It is free and open to the general public - membership is not required, but for those who want to join the club, cost is $15 for 12 months.  Workshop details:

Current club members who wish to help out with this event, either presenting, loaning equipment (boats!!), or just helping to set up/take down, please Message me and we will discuss.

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