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    May 01, 2019

    This event began 05/01/2019 and repeats every week until 08/28/2019

    This series of paddles takes place on (surprise!) Wednesdays, and provides a midweek opportunity to paddle on a different day from the lake sessions. Most of the launches will be in the Salem Sound area, but can branch out to between Boston and Gloucester.
    Here is a description of a typical Wednesday Lunch paddle:
    Meet at launch at 10:00. Beach Briefing at 10:20. On the water and paddling at 10:30am. 1-1.5 hours of paddling to lunch location 1 hour of lunch, conversation, and relaxation 1-1.5 hours of paddling to return to launch Return around 3:00. These paddles are most appropriate for independent paddlers with ocean paddling experience.  The Wednesday paddles are cooperative adventures, not guided trips. Each participant is responsible for her/his own safety. Don’t assume the trip initiators are smarter, stronger, better at rough water, more attractive, or more skilled paddlers than you are. For more information, see this description of our trip philosophy from the NSPN web site.
    Typically on the Monday before the trip, we will post specific information about the trip on the Trips Forum.  The post's message thread can be used for RSVPs and other questions concerning the specific trip.
    If you haven’t paddled with one of us before, please get in touch with one us via private message before signing up. Before departing for the launch location, please consult your favorite sources to determine wind, tide, and sea conditions, so you are aware of the trip environment for that day.
    Each week's venue will be selected taking expected conditions into account. In general, the trip will only be canceled for extreme conditions and thunderstorms.
    We look forward to you joining us for an enjoyable day of paddling and picnicing! Please private message us with any questions you may have.
    Your faithful trip organizers,
    Joe  Berkovitz (profile)
    Bob Levine (profile).

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