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Launch of the Schooner Isabella in Essex - 8/12


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We had a pleasant paddle from Conomo Point to the Essex Town Landing to watch the launching of the schooner Isabella, built by 11th generation boat builder, Harold Burnham. A little marsh meandering along the way got us to the landing right on schedule. A large crowd was gathered to watch as across the water a Champagne bottle was smashed on Isabella's bow, and the launching crew engaged in studied actions, removing supports, and pounding wedges. She leaned a bit to one side, but the suspense and speculation built as much time passed and she remained perched. Suddenly, Isabella tilted dramatically (gasps from the crowd), then slipped smoothly into the water righting herself (aaahhs from the crowd). After hanging out in Essex for a while we had a fast and easy paddle back to Conomo with wind and outgoing tide helping. Thanks to Kevin for posting the SNG and thanks to all participants for the good company. A Boston Globe article on the launch can be found at



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It was definitely a great day and a big group of people that we don't always get to paddle with. There were some additional highlights worthy of mention on the board! Here are my top highlights for the day :)

1) Having almost 2 different paddles in one day - Kevin and I launched earlier planning to surf off Cranes, but not having quite enough time, played in standing waves near the last crossing of the Bay over to Cranes. I still am gaining experience in wind, surf, and current and by the time we got back to the put in point where the rest of the group was ready to go, I was pissed off, frustrated and ready to take an axe to my boat . . . after some great reassurance from Kevin, I blew a couple rolls and then felt fine :) The rest of the day was a pleasant paddle! But what I took away was amazement at the different experiences you can have on the same day and that frustration and fear can happen when you least expect it, so taking a break, or for me, angrily muscling through a couple bad rolls got me positive again :)

2) I met Chris Godfrey for the first time and all the rumors are true . . . bright, sparkling, laughing eyes, lovely demeanor, amazingly graceful paddler, great teacher, and possibly a dirtier mind than me! :) Kevin chuckled to me later that he would hear Chris calling out to me "now gilly try keeping your edge in your boat, change the grip on your paddle, and see how that works . . ." He said it brought him back to those first times when Chris took him out as a novice paddler with gentle encouragement . . . for those of you who don't know, Godfrey christened Kevin as "Beckers"

3) Walter came out!!!!! I haven't paddled with him since my first paddle on Cranes beach and I forgot how much I loved that booming laugh. Also I had to reveal that Kevin has a small shrine to Walter in the condo . . . Walter, I'll send you pics of that privately :)

Other Great Highlights:

4) Walter forgetting my name

5) Godfrey forgetting my name (jeesh, I thought I was more popular :)

6) Godfrey almost tipping me over (there's a fantastic picture of a maniacle grin on his face approaching my boat from behind as I'm posing for a picture)

7) Did I mention Walters laughter ringing out across the water?

8) The launching of the ship Isabella

9) Meeting Mary for the first time who I hope to paddle with again . . . she said Kevin hadn't mentioned my lovely eyes which I was quite disappointed to hear about Beckwith . . . I think you're too focused on your shrine to Walter these days.

10) Perfect weather conditions, laughter, comraderie, boat antics, and learning.

Oh and probably the top highlight was the 3 hour nap taken after the paddle - we thought we could handle our post paddle beer but maybe we should have washed down dinner with a few Geritol . . . what are we 80? Kevin let me know what size depends you wanted me to pick up for you today . . . So much for painting the bathroom last night . . . :)

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Pictures can be found at:


> I still am gaining

>experience in wind, surf, and current and by the time we got

>back to the put in point where the rest of the group was

>ready to go, I was pissed off, frustrated and ready to take

>an axe to my boat . . . after some great reassurance from

>Kevin, I blew a couple rolls and then felt fine :)

Oh, that was fun...almost the same look I saw on the Merrimack that time ;)

>3) Walter came out!!!!! <

Wow, I really had no idea ;)

I haven't paddled with him since my

>first paddle on Cranes beach and I forgot how much I loved

>that booming laugh. Also I had to reveal that Kevin has a

>small shrine to Walter in the condo . . . Walter, I'll send

>you pics of that privately :)

Hey G, on the way home, can you pick up those candles I needed? :)


>Other Great Highlights:


>4) Walter forgetting my name

>5) Godfrey forgetting my name (jeesh, I thought I was more

>popular :)

>6) Godfrey almost tipping me over (there's a fantastic

>picture of a maniacle grin on his face approaching my boat

>from behind as I'm posing for a picture)

>7) Did I mention Walters laughter ringing out across the


Geez, and you have people thinking I built the shrine? I'm not sure you can pucker up any more than you have. It's because of those cookies he gave you, isn't it? ;)

As always, any paddling opportunity is a good one.

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