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Rye, NH 11/11/05 different focus

Paul Sylvester

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Join me for a level 3 type, private trip out of Rye, NH

I-- depart fri.11/11 at 9am from Odiorne Park in Rye, NH and will go out to Whaleback and the outside of Gerrish Island, hit the river etc.

You---be in your drysuit, capable of 14-16 miles. Rough water exposed coast is what we will be in if the swells are up.

All cold water equipment required, including but not limited to, full neoprene protection for you, extra clothes, hot flask, etc. etc. and yes, helmets.

Expect 5-6 hours, with breaks. E-mail me with your interest.

Paul Sylvester plmslatworldpathdotnet

Since I only have one respondent (thanks Dan) I will calm this trip down as much as the conditions will allow. We will stay nearer shore and in the harbor and river. Could be some currents in the river to play with and it will be a work out with the wind. I suppose I misjudged how many people are working or away, But it is my only day to paddle in two weeks.

Mail me for confirmations........

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I was already planning to come down from Montreal to go out with Mark's group on sunday so your outing on friday fits in well with my plans. See you then...



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