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Fort Gorges and Peaks Island L3 Trip - Portland ME

NSPN Calendar

Event details

Fort Gorges and Peaks Island L3 Trip - Portland, ME - Saturday August 17

Launch from East End Beach just after high tide (7:56am) around 9:30am

Paddle to Fort Gorges and explore the fort for an hour or so

Paddle to Peaks Island - lunch and ice cream

Possible paddle around the Diamonds or head back to launch

Probably return around 3pm

Parking is available at the launch as well as bathrooms and changing area.

The fort is quite old and can have glass and crumbling areas. You might want to bring a pair of sneakers to put on when we get there as opposed to paddling shoes.

Peaks has a great ice cream shop - which was the inspiration for this whole trip. Bring your lunch, or get something at the island.

This will be a CAM trip and limited to 8 or so people.

More details to come as it get's closer - feel free to PM me with any questions!

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