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Courtesy Post: SMSKN "Stone Soup" Dryland Kayak Gathering in Portland, Mane

Joseph Herlihy
NSPN Calendar

Event details

This is a courtesy post for awareness. 

Southern Maine Sea Kayak Network is hosting their "Stone Soup Dryland Kayak Gathering" in Portland, Maine at Payson Park on Saturday morning, June 8th. 

This is a social event for ocean kayakers to come and mix and mingle. Participants are encouraged to consider:

- Bringing kayaks & kit to share with and discuss with others, including new comers to the sport who might be learning

- Consider whether there is a topic of interest that you might like to display? For instance, are you really into dehydrating your trip meals? Or, making Greenland paddles? Etc? 

- Consider whether you have a boat(s) or gear that you are looking to trade or sell? The event will have a designated "boat yard" sectioned off for folks to put stuff that is available for individual sale or trade. SMSKN is only providing the place and will NOT be involved in any sales transactions which should be person to person only. 

So, if you're in the area and looking for a good excuse to grab coffee and perhaps a donut (or two), come join the SMSKN crew at the second annual "Stone Soup" Gathering. 

Here is the Meetup Link

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