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Odiorne to Rye


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20 of us enjoyed a wonderful day on the water. While there was a fairly stiff wind coming from the NW, the weather was otherwise perfect. We had a good mix of experience in the group; from less than a year of paddling to many years.

After going out past the jetty, we broke into two groups; not by design, but based on what people wanted to try. One group spent more time with rocks, the other group staying a bit further out, but trying clear routes through rocks when they presented themselves. With the wind almost at our backs, we made good time down to the sandy beaches north of Rye Harbor. Here the groups came together again and virtually all surfed. Some had little to no experience surfing, but the waves were not intimidating (too much) and we all had a good time. There were lots of capsizes as the waves broke close to shore, but, as they say: if you're not capsizing, you're not trying.

We ate lunch on the beach and had a group photo taken by a person walking by. Whoever's camera was used, make sure to post that photo.

The paddle back was into the wind, so a bit slower. Also the swells were bigger which made it more challenging. The tide had come in quite a bit which made the shoreline different than earlier. Watching some of the very experienced people (Bill, Kevin, Jerry, Chris, to name a few; I'm sure that I am missing several others) were pretty amazing gliding around every rock they could find. Kevin pulled off a seal landing on a rock ledge that had everyone cheering.

I think the "goals" of this paddle were met: we had people that tried things that they had little experience with prior, and, regardless of skill level, everyone enjoyed a nice day on the water.

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Need to second Brian's report: very enjoyable paddle. Kudos must go to the more experienced paddlers like Kevin and Bill who through leadership by example demonstrate why this organization is so special. Personally I had a blast!

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20 of us enjoyed a wonderful day on the water. While there was a fairly stiff wind coming from the NW, the weather was otherwise perfect. We had a good mix of experience in the group; from less than a year of paddling to many years.

After going out past the jetty, we broke into two groups; not by design, but based on what people wanted to try. One group spent more time with rocks, the other group staying a bit further out, but trying clear routes through rocks when they presented themselves. With the wind almost at our backs, we made good time down to the sandy beaches north of Rye Harbor. Here the groups came together again and virtually all surfed. Some had little to no experience surfing, but the waves were not intimidating (too much) and we all had a good time. There were lots of capsizes as the waves broke close to shore, but, as they say: if you're not capsizing, you're not trying.

We ate lunch on the beach and had a group photo taken by a person walking by. Whoever's camera was used, make sure to post that photo.

The paddle back was into the wind, so a bit slower. Also the swells were bigger which made it more challenging. The tide had come in quite a bit which made the shoreline different than earlier. Watching some of the very experienced people (Bill, Kevin, Jerry, Chris, to name a few; I'm sure that I am missing several others) were pretty amazing gliding around every rock they could find. Kevin pulled off a seal landing on a rock ledge that had everyone cheering.

I think the "goals" of this paddle were met: we had people that tried things that they had little experience with prior, and, regardless of skill level, everyone enjoyed a nice day on the water.

Two weekends in a row of getting 18 plus people on the water and different people at that! It's nice to see everyone paddling. Congrats to all who pushed their limits a little today. Heidi completed one of her first ocean paddles today, Shalia played in the rocks with one hell of a high brace ;) , Suwin was surfing, people were surf landing and launching all with great big smiles! I think Brian summed it up well when he said if you're not capsizing, you're not trying. We had rescues, tows, a hat rescue and a spare paddle rescue (thanks Bill ;)) Look for the next transition paddle mid Sept. (after the wedding).

By the way, about the seal landing, G dragged me to Kittery Trading Post after the PPPO for a surprise gift: my first Shred Ready helmet :lol:

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