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Magazine Beach, Cambridge to Barking Crab


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Anyone know if parking is still free and available at Magazine Beach?

And if Barking Crab is ok about using there dock for kayak landing and dining?

Much Thanks.

When I checked a year ago, it was free but the 4 hour parking limit signs where still up. In the past I have called the State Police and they have always said, "just place a note on your dashboard" saying you are kayaking and when you will be back. I assume this is overkill, but we have not had problems when we have done it.

I would also call the Barking Crab. They like to have us..anything different. Could not hurt to check with them.

By the way, we have always been a bit surprised by the chop once we get to the harbor. Fun paddling, but usually not flat water.


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I popped in to the magazine beach parking lot last night to scope out a possible moonlight paddle on a hot evening. No parking after dark signs up and 3 hour parking max was posted. I dont know what the enforcement is though.


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When I checked a year ago, it was free but the 4 hour parking limit signs where still up. In the past I have called the State Police and they have always said, "just place a note on your dashboard" saying you are kayaking and when you will be back. I assume this is overkill, but we have not had problems when we have done it.

I would also call the Barking Crab. They like to have us..anything different. Could not hurt to check with them.

By the way, we have always been a bit surprised by the chop once we get to the harbor. Fun paddling, but usually not flat water.


Thanks Al, Phil... Appreciate the up-to-date info!

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It used to be possible to call the MDC and get permission to park there after dark. They would provide a letter to put on windshields. Now that the MDC is no more, I would not know who to call. It makes a nice full moon paddle, although you can't see the moon until late on the way back since it has to get above the buildings.

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