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Up the Bagaduce


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yesterday I did my third paddle of the season---I was a little iffy in the morning about going but Sue, my wife, reminded me how much I complained for the past 4 years about not having a dry suit and now that I had one I had better use it so I could go out in March and April like I told her. So my friend Jim and I decided to put in at the Castine public landing and paddle up the Bagaduce River with the flood tide and then back with the ebb---We launched at 12:25 and caught the last 1/3 of the flood up to Youngs Island, passing through Jones Point narrows on the way with its interesting tidal rips and small whirlpools. As usual there were tons of seals in that area, and unlike most places on the coast the seals aren't nervous about kayaks here. They practically swam onto the beach as we were eating lunch on Youngs and on the way back three of them followed us down river for about a mile, no more that 30--40 feet from our boats. After lunch we made a side trip up to the North Bay of the Bagaduce to Battle Island. For those of you who are MITA members, check this out in your guide books---I stopped on the island and went into the cabin which is open for use for MITA members. Although there was a foot of snow on the ground, the cabin was solid and dry inside---in the summer it would be a lovely place to spend some time---partly because it is a really beautiful spot and partly because there is an outhouse so you don't have to do the crap wrap deal and haul it out in your boat. We made good time up to Youngs--4 st.miles in 45 minutes, with the current, and ok time from Battle bach to the public landing--5.1 miles in 70 minutes in slack water----I recommend this for an early season paddle or if there are storm warnings on the open ocean.

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