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I got a little time this last weekend to go out and see the Portsmouth fireworks with a few other kayakers, 25 was the count I had at the launch and we had a few less at the landing as some had wondered off to see what they could see in the dark. I mst say it was a night of firsts for me my first night paddle on salt water my first fireworks from sea and my first time paddling around that part of the coast. The experiance of not seeing but just feeling the waves, mostly from boats, greatly sharpened my mental need to relax and not be stiff and allow things to slip and slide. The navigation skills where greatly sharpend when all the visual landmarks went away. Over all I had a very fun time and knowing that in the huge bunch of people were a few that I knew had the skills to over come my errors if I had made any big ones was a great thing. And I hope that a passed a long some little bit of information to the others.

My kids have made me promise to take the whole family next year because and I quote "you had to much fun." We all know dad's are not allowed to have fun.

Bob L

Bob L

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