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The Ghost of Mystic Practice Sessions?


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Update - David, Ernie and Cathy are all threatening to show up at Mystic in another thread... I'm threatening to show up as well (I'll be there).

Anyone going to head to an unofficial practice session at Mystic tomorrow (that would be Tuesday the 3rd)?

Cheers, Joe

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If memory serves me correctly I think Ernie and David said they'd be there but I don't want to speak for them though. If not... you wouldn't by any chance be doing another lesson on the coast? If so I could meet you wherever you're finishing up.

cheers, Joe

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No more lessons for awhile. I need to practice what I have learned instead of learning even more things. As Alex said to me, my learned skills are getting ahead of my confidence and technique. So, practice, practice, etc.

Actually if it just us, I would much prefer going to Kingston, or possibly off Pavilion Beach in Ipswich.


P&H Capella 163

Red/White/Black trim

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Pavilion Beach 'eh? My vote is for salt water over fresh water. Perhaps if the others were headed to Mystic we could convince them that salt water is a better idea (uses Jedi powers and waves hand)? So is this the spot...


http://www.nspn.org/play-put-ins.html (search on Pavilion)

I assume the parking is obvious?

Cheers, Joe

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That's the place. I've been there three times, always interesting. There is ample and obvious parking. Park towards the north side (the left!)

I will check the board again tomorrow to see if this will happen.


P&H Capella 163

Red/White/Black trim

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Very good... Anyone can reach me at the number listed in my signature. I answer it 24/7.

Cheers, Joe

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The ghost lives on...at least for me!

I was on the Lake yesterday, tweaking the cockpit and getting a loops in.

Darkness sets in about 6:45, so I expect to be on the Lake around 4:30 this afternoon.

Pavilion sounds great for another day, as I don't have the travel time today.

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OK... With Cathy, Ernie, and David heading to Mystic... I'm going to head in that direction as well. More sculling for support practice I guess. Hmmmm... I wonder if I lowered a sump pump to the bottom if I could bring up all the salt water down there? LOL

Cheers, Joe

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