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Wednesday evening Greasy Pole CANCEL!

Rob Hazard

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Well, Walter wrote to say he'll try to make it. No promise, of course.

Myself, I find the reputation of Greenheads to be exaggerated. Mostly good for keeping tourists away. Wear long sleeves and a floppy hat and you'll do fine.

Iberian Persons-of-Conflict, on the other hand, THAT's serious!


NDK Explorer - "quill" ;^)

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Heh heh:

>Myself, I find the reputation of Greenheads to be

>exaggerated. Mostly good for keeping tourists away. Wear

>long sleeves and a floppy hat and you'll do fine.

I was at a friend's house on the marsh in Newbury Sunday to pick up a kayak. We dashed from the car to the house, then back to the car, and tied that boat on in record time. The greenheads are out, hungry, and in LARGE numbers.

Thanks for feeding them for the rest of us, who will wait a month to paddle near marshes.

Liz N.

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Depending on where you guys go, I'll do my best to catch up with you on the water. Damn job always getting in the way of my paddling fun. If it's late don't worry, I'll be the glow stick paddling towards you :)

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I planned to paddle with a friend from Conomo Pt. yesterday. When we arrived the greenheads were swarming in such large numbers we didn't even dare to get out of the car. They were more numerous than I've ever seen before. My plan is to return in mid-August, but if any brave soul ventures out from there, good luck, and please report back.


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The green heads can't bite through a wet suit, though I have seen them try. When we were in Plum Island marshes last summer they did not even light on exposed skin that had been treated with Deet. You could try a hydraskin/paddle jacket and a bug net. The bug net would be a drag (hah hah) when you inevitably rolled to beat the heat. I have an interesting image of someone swatting at the greenhead inside the bug net.

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Mr. Hazard, those greenhead flies are far too vicious for -- perhaps you have thicker hide than the rest of us? They drove me off the water last Sunday morning, which means that Mr. Beckwith is slightly wrong regarding the full moon -- I somehow doubt the pupae are aware of the of full moon? Mind you, nature is mysterious, innit?

Chinese whispers -- pass it down the line -- we pupate tomorrow!


Assorted sea kayaks

(as someone else says: life's too short to own an ugly boat!)

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Well, to be honest, given my ego, I would have to say the GHs were wrong . ;)

Like most things in life (of course not all), we can think of the distribution of GHs to be normal (bell-shaped), such that the there will be outliers. In other words, a few GHs will arrive early, a few late, but the majority will exist for about one month after the first full moon in July.

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Actually, the greenhead hatch is related to the moon. IIRC it has to do with the extra high tides when the moon is either full or new and the water floods their nest (or whatever you call it). So, they may not know the date, but they do know the moon cycle.

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